At OLLETS, we aim to provide optimal solutions in relation to everything we do, by challenging the existing state of affairs and at same time recognizing the diversity in people’s views and perceptions.

We offer customized solutions at best possible cost, through systemized and standardized processes, quick service and accountability.

We operate in the area of asset maintenance, mainly offering reliable lubrication and condition monitoring solutions, and offer the right package to the right user, with regards to all applications, challenges and realities we may come across.

We are a platform business, bringing together producers and users in efficient exchanges of value.

OLLETS disassociates the traditional value adding series of activities (Design-Make-Sell-Deliver) and recommends ways of higher interaction among these activities or even transforms the chain.

Acting as an end-to-end platform, we gain a wider knowledge in terms of the relationship, both in similarities and in variances, among products, markets, and customers. This collective and continuous experience allows us to match the 2 ends (producers and users) in the most valuable way.